Been working on an updated design for my character Kia. Issues arose and we never got to finish the campaign, but I love this character too much not to give her an endgame design.

The design is filled with small details, the trees on her tattoos representing her wife, Kalini, the writing elven saying 'I swear to Silvanus I will love you forever’, The god Kalini serves.

The symbol under her breastplate, representing her adoptive daughter/sister, Ilya.

And Kia is an echo knight, now her echo Elisa is a bit more of a character than normal echoes, and whilst echoes are identical to the original, Elisa's eagle is white. Elisa is the perfect version of Kia, or at least how she sees it, and the white where her eagle is black is to represent that she knows she'll never live up to that vision of herself. But that's okay.

I really miss playing her, and will definitely be writing some headcanon stuff revolving around her. Kia is my favourite OC, I poured so much of myself into her, and she helped me realise some things about myself. I cannot state how important D&D can be.

Below I have all the various different iterations of Kia that I have currently, from left to right:

  • Level 5 Kia

  • Endgame Kia Design

  • Level 3 Kia


Ceneri Bjorgdottir


Zatari Tealeaf