I… I’m not even going to make an excuse

… I know. 6 months… Again. I do promise it’s not from a lack on enjoyment of writing these blog posts, the opposite, I really love getting my thoughts on paper - digital paper - about my life, both personal and professional. I’m just really bad at consistency and remembering things. Can’t wait to get this ADHD assessment XD

But there’s been a load of updates for me in the past half year.

For one, I’m 22 now. Now Joe, I hear you ask, what happened to the 9 projects in 90 days idea you had back in March? And to that, I refer you to my previous point. I forgot… But alas, I’m 22, everything feels the same, though I am getting happier and more okay with my depression and anxiety. During these past 6 months I had my group therapy for social anxiety, and just generally feel like the summer has improved my mental health, so we shall see how that continues during the S.A.D. months.

One MAJOR update. Ya boi’s employed! Yes I am employed full time as a junior environment artist on the project Cornucopias - The Island Awaits. And I am LOVING IT. Finally being in the industry, even if its not the concepting path I had original thought I wanted to go into when I started uni, it’s a lot of fun and my team’s great! The fun story of back in January I messaged the technical director, asking if he could help with a Blender plugin he made. He mentioned his company was looking to hire, and though I didn’t hear anything from it in January, come the end of June I got a message asking if I was still interested. And here we are, nearly 3 months later, and I’m so happy.

Though this full time position has meant that the streams have fallen off, though I am trying to get back into a weekend stream schedule of at least an hour, streaming again because I enjoy it, and not because I have nothing else to do XD

Personal projects, Fatesight is still on the back burner, though I have had a desire to continue building the world, I’m still unsure building it for what? I could continue the TTRPG game or the unreal engine game but, I’m not sure. So Fatesight sits and waits.

Oxdara however, is in full swing. I love this world, probably more than Fatesight, because it’s so active to me, being the setting of both DnD campaigns I have DM’d - one that ended back at the beginning of the year and this second one! The biggest update to Oxdara is, one I’ve been updating the maps, but two I’ve expanded the world. Coming up with a new southern continent that sits attached to the Southern Ice Plains, the southern polar cap. More details to come as I work out more of the region but it’s really interesting coming up with reasons as to why the ‘known’ world had no idea about this southern continent.

I have more projects I want to do, both in Oxdara -and Fatesight- and new projects. I don’t know if those projects will become worlds of their own, or end up being set in Oxdara/Fatesight, we’ll have to see.

I want to try and be more active on here, but I make no promises. Especially since most of my time now is taken up with work, so I’m not creating characters or working on pieces as often. I’ll try to update here atleast once a month, if for nothing else than a diary almost, going over what’s happened that month, how I am, and what I’m working on.

Anyway, have some WiP pieces of characters and maps - including the new continent.



A New Idea!