A New Idea!

Hi again, no post for 6 months and then twice in a week? I uh.. Yeah…

Well the reasoning for this post here, is some project updates! Couple weeks ago I set out trying to complete 9 projects or pieces in 90 days, at the time it was 90 days till I’m 22. However, I think I jumped to far too quickly, trying to get back to a normal and creating more, and creating, worldbuilding, telling stories, well it’s what I think I’ve been place on this earth for, so going to try to take it day by day, and just tell stories.

Which brings me onto my new idea, I’m a Game Master for my D&D campaign called Oxdara, and whilst there is really great software for World maps and Battle maps, highly recommend Wonderdraft and Dungeondraft, there isn’t a great city mapper that I’ve come across. And believe me I’ve searched. So my idea, finally I know, a fantasy based city builder, akin to a mixture of Townscaper and City Skylines. With built in modelling software so GM’s like myself can model their own houses, taverns, barracks, castles, and place them as they want, creating both a birds eye view map, and a 3D environment. This would allow GM’s to have a way to visualise their cities or towns, from both a verticality perspective and a layout.

In my head it would just have a purely creative game mode, so people can create the city they want without having to worry about resources, managing people, or money. And then maybe later a ‘survival’ game mode, where you do have this detailed management style game mode.

But here’s the major issue…

I have no idea what I’m doing or how to accomplish this…. So I’m asking for any help, any advice, input, or recommendations for how to complete this project.

Well thank you for reading through my ramblings on this, and any advice I will be so grateful for.

Here have a WiP character/environment piece that I’ll finish up soon. Maybe, aha…


I… I’m not even going to make an excuse


Oh Gods… It’s been over 6 months…