Oh Gods… It’s been over 6 months…

Aha… Hi… It’s been a while since I updated things here, and for that I’m sorry. It’s been a hard 6 months. In fact, I started writing this update at the end of December, but things just got worse as we went…

But, I’m finally back at a neutral, I’m by no means 100% but I’m getting better. In essence across the winter my mental health declined and declined, starting really with having to miss my graduation back in November 2021 due to an emergence appendicitis, something that I had been looking forward to since before I even started Uni, but I should be allowed to graduate next year, so silver lining.

That whole time I was also not leaving the house a whole lot, especially in the first couple weeks of December as I was recovering, and then Christmas came and well, Christmas was…. interesting, trying to cook whilst not being able to lift anything heavy, like a turkey, because of the surgery was stressful. I also had 1 Cider, which on my anti-depressants I’m unadvised to consume alcohol and hadn’t since February 2021, but I thought 1 would be okay. Now it might not have been because of the alcohol mixing with my drugs, it could have just been Seasonal depression or a mixture of both, or neither but the end of December/January were tough.

But I sought help, and have just started group therapy the other day to try and get a handle on my anxiety, which hopefully will help with the depression, and I am on the waiting list to be assessed for ADHD. It’s looking like I won’t get that assessment till 2024, but the alternative of going private is just not on the table. But I am feeling better slowly, and so being diagnosed or not might not even change anything. I’m just taking it one day at a time.

I’m going to try and post updates on here more, whether it be about some Oxdara stuff I’m working on, some Fan-Art, Fatesight, or even just a way to check in with people.

So that was a lot of waffle and explanation that can be explained as simply as, Depressions been kicking my arse for months.

But some positives, as I’ve said I’ve been slowly getting better, working on projects when I have my good days, one of my favourite things I’ve done recently is the Destiny 2 Fan Art, I’ll link it below, as well as something I started whilst away for the weekend that you can see below, as well as some 3D modelling WiPs for Fatesight. I’m trying to get better and producing work weekly at least, but it’s building better habits and takes time.


A New Idea!


The One About Fatesight’s Patreon