The One About Fatesight’s Patreon

Hello! Scary title I know, but don’t worry, Fatesight itself isn’t going anywhere, I love the world I’m building, and the characters I’m creating. However, there are somethings to go over today.

TL:DR - Fatesight’s Patreon is closed, and will relaunch when its in a better position. Giving me more time to work on it in the background, now I have a job.

So, closing the Patreon. My main reason for closing the Patreon is I’m not able to continuously update the development of the game at the pace I was a few months ago. By in large, this is due to me recently getting a job, but also having so much I want to do, and that monthly deadline of, I need to get this developed enough that its worth the update, and get it proof read, and do all the artwork for it. It’s a lot. So the current plan is, to continue working on Fatesight, and I’ll be posting updates and Work In Progress pieces to Instagram and here still. There just won’t be the Patreon for people to go and support it. All the free stuff that was on Patreon is also on the website here, and will stay there, so people can still see what Fatesight is all about for themselves, instead of just hearing me talk about it all the time.

But Fatesight will be back!

I’m not going to give a date for the re-release of Fatesight, because I honestly do not know when that will be. It could be 3 months from now it could be a year and a half, I just don’t know. Additionally, I’ll still be talking about it all the time over on the Twitch Livestreams, talking about my plans for it and any updates or what I’ve been working on.

So that’s it about Fatesight. The other news I have, is, well I’ve already said it, I have a job now. Like, an actual one, that pays adult money. So obviously a bunch of time that I would be working on Fatesight has been sucked up by that, but I’m really enjoying the job, and apparently I’m quite good at it. So that’s a bonus. And having this job means I can start saving for things that will improve my ability to work on Fatesight and create things, like a new computer at the for front, so I can make cool animations and stuff in Blender without my PC crashing or renders taking 12 hours for 3 seconds… Of just a planet spinning too, like 12 hours.

Anyways, that’s all the updates I have today, I say all like they were small ones, but they’re quite big updates and changes. I hope to see you all around on social media and the streams. I’ll put the updated stream schedule below too, as well as on the Twitch page of the website.


Tuesdays 4pm-6pm : Minecraft
Thursdays 4pm-6pm : FPS Day (Will be routinely Halo:Infinite when that releases)
Fridays 4pm-6pm : Pokemon (Shiny Hunting up till the end of November when Gen 4 remakes release)


Oh Gods… It’s been over 6 months…


Fatesight Update!