Fatesight Update!

Hello, how are we doing today? It’s been a busy and hard couple weeks for me, but doing better now! And really excited and rejuvenated to get to work on Fatesight. So where to being?

Well lets start with the title topic, Fatesight’s been updated! I have updated the Patreon today, September 20th, updating the Players Guide PDF from version 1.0 to 1.1, which has quite a lot of updates, aha. The documents been in proof reading the past couple weeks, so I’ve not been able to change or add anything new to the document until that was done and uploaded. But it is now, so already adding things and making extra changes. Quick list of all the updates and changes added in v1.1:
- More information in the 'How to Play' section
- More information in the 'Character Creation' section
- The Coins of Fate
- More Weapon's added to the tables in 'Weapon's, Armour and Overshields'
- Details about the weapons
- More detailed information on Combat and what you can do
- Ship Combat
- Types of Ships
- Maintaining a Ship
- Lindaran Race
- Developed the Protector Class more
- Completed the Ranger Class
- Added in pages for the Medic, Shroud and Warlord classes
- Added Character Sheets to the end of the document
- Added some inspirational media (things that have inspired me as a creative and Fatesight, an idea I really liked from Starfinder)

So yeah, lots of additions to Fatesight. Next thing relating to Fatesight, some more free teaser stuff!

Fatesight’s first class, the Ranger class, is fully done, or at least I don’t foresee any changes to it at the moment, and so I am uploading that for free on the Patreon, and on the Fatesight section of the website. I’m doing this so people can see what the classes will be like, and, along with the characters sheets, get a better feel for the game before, hopefully, deciding to support it!

Also on the Patreon front, I have reduced all the tier prices, going from 3/5/10 for Bronze, Silver and Gold, to 1/3/5. Doing this because Fatesight’s not really at a point where charging £3 a month just for the base seems right. So later on I might add some higher tiers with more exclusive rewards, or update the prices if I start having to hire outside help to work on it with me".

The last Fatesight point for today, I am working on some videos, a series explaining how to play the game for newer people, and a series detailing the lore of the world. These will be Patreon exclusive for a couple weeks before they go live on YouTube. And the video you see on the right is the intro I made using Blender and After Effects, I think it’s come out really well.

I think that’s it for today, Fatesights updated. As for me personally, I’m doing better, got some referrals from the doctor which should be able to help with things in the coming future, which is good. Just taking things one day at a time at the moment, but I’ve found some creative drive to create some comic strips, around things from my DnD games, using it as a way to develop my facial expression skills.

So yeah, thank you for reading this little update!
For more regular updates, come watch the stream, I talk about what’s going on in life every week.
On the subject of the stream, its my 3 year anniversary of Twitch streaming on the 30th of September, so going to be doing a bit of a mega stream as a celebration!
Come watch!

Thank you again,


The One About Fatesight’s Patreon


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